In order to identify data needs and satisfaction with BPS services, please participate in the 2024 Data Needs Survey at the following link
Publication of Sorong City in Figures 2016 just released!! More click on the following link.
Do you need data? We are ready to serve. The Integrated Statistics Service of BPS-Statistics Sorong Municipality is open on weekdays at 08.00-15.30 WIT.
BPS Kotamadya Sorong participated in the 2024 Micro and Small Industry Survey Training which was held online for two days, on June 20-21, 2024. This training was attended by representatives from each BPS Municipality/Regency throughout Indonesia. The purpose of this training was to improve the ability and knowledge of the participants in conducting micro and small industry surveys, so that the data produced is more accurate and can be used for better policy making. Active participation from all participants is expected to improve the quality of surveys in each region.
Please follow our media to get more information:
Instagram: @bpskotasorong Facebook: BPS Kota Sorong Youtube: BPS Kota Sorong Official Website: