Pelatihan petugas Survei Pergudangan, Ekspedisi dan Kurir (VPEK) Tahun 2024 - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Sorong Municipality

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Pelatihan petugas Survei Pergudangan, Ekspedisi dan Kurir (VPEK) Tahun 2024

Pelatihan petugas Survei Pergudangan, Ekspedisi dan Kurir (VPEK) Tahun 2024

July 9, 2024 | BPS Activities

On Tuesday, July 9, 2024, BPS Papua Barat Province conducted training for officers of the 2024 Warehousing, Expedition and Courier Survey (VPEK) which was integrated with the 2024 Trade Distribution Pattern Survey (VPDP), which was carried out online through Zoom Meeting for 2 days. One of the objectives of implementing VPEK and VPDP is to obtain data / information related to the growth of the logistics sector, especially warehousing and delivery of goods (courier / expedition) which is an important indicator in increasing economic growth in Indonesia, and to determine the distribution pattern and trade margin of a commodity.
       The data and information obtained will be used by stakeholders for planning and evaluation materials related to the logistics sector and commodity distribution patterns from producers to final consumers.
 Specifically, the 2024 Warehousing, Expedition and Courier Survey (VPEK) has the following objectives:
  1. To obtain a directory of warehousing, expedition, and courier companies.
  2. To obtain and present data/information on the characteristics of warehousing, expedition, and courier companies.
  3. Obtain and present data/information on warehousing, expedition, and courier businesses based on production value, income, and expenses.
  4. Obtain and present data/information on economic prospects and capitalization of warehousing, expedition, and courier businesses.
VPEK-24 is expected to complement the needs of transportation statistics, especially the warehousing, expedition, and courier subsectors, and can be used as a basic framework in planning transportation statistics activities in the future.
       In addition, the results of the VPDP-24 Survey are expected to provide an overview of domestic trade distribution patterns as a reference for building a more efficient trade distribution system. In addition, the total trade and transportation margin of the distribution of the commodities under study from the producer to the final consumer can be obtained.
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