In order to identify data needs and satisfaction with BPS services, please participate in the 2024 Data Needs Survey at the following link
Publication of Sorong City in Figures 2016 just released!! More click on the following link.
Do you need data? We are ready to serve. The Integrated Statistics Service of BPS-Statistics Sorong Municipality is open on weekdays at 08.00-15.30 WIT.
Regional Instructor Training for Updating Economic Business/Enterprise Directory 2024
June 11, 2024 | BPS Activities
The Regional Instructor Training on Updating Directory of Businesses/Economic Enterprises in the Framework of SE 2026 Year 2024 was conducted online/distance learning (PJJ) on June 11-13, 2024. BPS Sorong Municipality plans to be held on June 26-27, 2024.
In general, the objectives of the Economic Business / Enterprise Directory Updating activities are:
Updating business/enterprise data that may not have been updated in BPS updating or survey activities.
Clearing SBR data from inactive and discontinued businesses/enterprises.
Complete the filling of variables that are still empty.
Eliminate data duplication.
Based on these objectives, the implementation of the Economic business/enterprise directory updating activity is expected to improve the quality of SBR data in providing an up-to-date business/enterprise database for the preparation of the Economic Survey master framework and statistical data for businesses. Let's follow our media to get more information:
Instagram: @bpskotasorong Facebook: BPS Kota Sorong Youtube: BPS Kota Sorong Official Website: